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Research projects of the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine


DaDuHealth – Access to and use of health data in medical care and consumer health for research purposes. An ethical, legal and social analysis.


A BMBF-funded ELSA joint project

Coordinating Investigator und Principle Investigator TP 2: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt

You can find project details here.


Ethics and metaphoric framings of molecular biotechnologies


Project funded by the CIBSS Cluster of Excellence / DFG

Management: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt
Processor: Dr. Thorsten Kohl, Sebastian Höpfl

You can find project details here.


Chronic pain – A problem of contemporary society?

Project sponsored by the Head Genuit Foundation

Management: Dr. Claudia Bozzaro
Processor: Dominik Koesling

You can find Project details here.


New perspectives on chronic pain

Project sponsored by the Head Genuit Foundation

Management: Dr. Claudia Bozzaro
Processor: Dominik Koesling

You can find Project details here.


Caring about Care
The Concept of Care in Health Care. A Comparison of Germany and the Netherlands

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Summer School

Organisation: Franziska Krause, PD Dr. Joachim Boldt

For further information please click here.


Ethical problems in dealing with dying patients

Landeswappen Baden-Wuerttemberg 

Subproject within the longitudinal strand "Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit (LongStI)"

Management: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt, Dr. Claudia Bozzaro

You can find Project details here.


Synthetic Biology: Arguments, Values, and Images. Augmenting the academic and public debate

Project on "Art, Culture, and Society" in the framework of the EU-FP7-MMLAP-network SYNENERGENE

Management: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt
Processor at the institute: Dr. Tobias Eichinger

You can find Project details here.


Pain and suffering as normative concepts in medicine:
Ethical, philosophical-anthropological, theological and sociocultural aspects.

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Interdisciplinary retreat week for young scientists

Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Claudia Bozzaro, Dr. Tobias Eichinger

You can find project details here.


Mechanized Brains. Challenging Embodiment,
Engineering Agency

Project within the Cluster of Excellence “BrainLinks—BrainTools”

Management: PD Dr. Oliver Müller
Processor at the institute: Franziska Krause


Reaching Out. Participative Projects
and Ethical Discourse on Neurotechnology

Project within the Cluster of Excellence “BrainLinks—BrainTools”

Management: PD Dr. Oliver Müller
Processor at the Institute: Franziska Krause


Engineering Life:
An interdisciplinary approach to the ethics of synthetic biology

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

BMBF-joint project

Overall management: Dr. Joachim Boldt
Subproject manager at the institute: Dr. Oliver Müller, Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Joachim Boldt
Processor at the Institute: Tobias Eichinger

You can find the project details here.


Neuroethics & Neurotechnology:
Emerging questions from hybrid brains

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Subproject C 6 in the Bernstein Focus: Neurotechnology - Freiburg/Tübingen „Hybrid Brain“

Management: Dr. Oliver Müller, Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio
Processor at the Institute: Boris Essmann, Dr. Claudia Bozzaro

You can find the project details here.


Project „The good dying“


Project in cooperation with Medical Sociology/Psychology and Palliative Medicine

Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio
Processor at the Institute: Dr. Claudia Bozzaro

You can find the project details here.


Project „Opportunities and limits of the
Customer orientation in medicine“


Project in cooperation with anthropology, medical sociology/psychology and palliative care.

Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio
Processor at the Institute: Franziska Krause

You can find the project details here.


Ethics of synthetic biology

Exzellenzinitiative Uni Freiburg


Subproject C5 within the Cluster of Excellence „Center for Biological Signaling Studies“ (bioss).

Processor at the Institute: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Joachim Boldt, Dr. Oliver Müller

You can find project details here.


On the relevance of the nature of man

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Bioethics Junior Research Group

Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio
Junior Research Group Leadership: Dr. Oliver Müller

You can find project details here.

„Desired children“ - on the mechanization of human reproduction


A theater and science project

Management: Barbara Mundel, Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Oliver Müller, Uta Bittner, Dr. Joachim Boldt

You can find project detailshere.


Fertility and reproductive medicine:
Ethical challenges of engineered reproduction

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Interdisciplinary retreat week for young researchers

Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Tobias Eichinger, Claudia Bozzaro

You can find project details here.


Optimization of the human brain


A theater and science project with Freiburg schoolchildren

Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Oliver Müller, Dr. Joachim Boldt
Processor: Boris Essmann

You can find project details here.
Website: Ich, Cyborg!?


On the ethical limits of preference-based medicine.

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

An interdisciplinary analysis using the example of anti-aging medicine.

Processor at the Institute: Tobias Eichinger

You can find project details here.


Ethical aspects of synthetic biology


Scientific expertise

Processor at the Institute: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Joachim Boldt, Dr. Oliver Müller

You can find project details here.


The status of the extracorporeal embryo

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

An interdisciplinary joint project

Overall management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio

You can find project details here.



Universtität Freiburg

Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin

Stefan-Meier-Str. 26
D-79104 Freiburg

Tel.: +49 (0)761/203-5033
Fax: +49 (0)761/203-5039
E-Mail: Sekretariat

Öffnungszeiten Sekretariat:
Mo-Fr, 9:00-12:30 Uhr




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