Research projects of the Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine
DaDuHealth – Access to and use of health data in medical care and consumer health for research purposes. An ethical, legal and social analysis.
Coordinating Investigator und Principle Investigator TP 2: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt You can find project details here. |
Ethics and metaphoric framings of molecular biotechnologies
Management: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt You can find project details here. |
Chronic pain – A problem of contemporary society?
Management: Dr. Claudia Bozzaro You can find Project details here. |
New perspectives on chronic pain
Management: Dr. Claudia Bozzaro You can find Project details here. |
Caring about Care
Summer School Organisation: Franziska Krause, PD Dr. Joachim Boldt For further information please click here. |
Ethical problems in dealing with dying patients
Subproject within the longitudinal strand "Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit (LongStI)" Management: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt, Dr. Claudia Bozzaro You can find Project details here. |
Synthetic Biology: Arguments, Values, and Images. Augmenting the academic and public debate |
Project on "Art, Culture, and Society" in the framework of the EU-FP7-MMLAP-network SYNENERGENE Management: PD Dr. Joachim Boldt You can find Project details here. |
Pain and suffering as normative concepts in medicine:
Interdisciplinary retreat week for young scientists Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Claudia Bozzaro, Dr. Tobias Eichinger You can find project details here. |
Project within the Cluster of Excellence “BrainLinks—BrainTools” Management: PD Dr. Oliver Müller |
Project within the Cluster of Excellence “BrainLinks—BrainTools” Management: PD Dr. Oliver Müller |
Engineering Life:
BMBF-joint project Overall management: Dr. Joachim Boldt You can find the project details here. |
Neuroethics & Neurotechnology:
Subproject C 6 in the Bernstein Focus: Neurotechnology - Freiburg/Tübingen „Hybrid Brain“ Management: Dr. Oliver Müller, Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio You can find the project details here. |
Project „The good dying“ |
Project in cooperation with Medical Sociology/Psychology and Palliative Medicine Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio You can find the project details here. |
Project „Opportunities and limits of the
Project in cooperation with anthropology, medical sociology/psychology and palliative care. Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio You can find the project details here. |
Ethics of synthetic biology |
Subproject C5 within the Cluster of Excellence „Center for Biological Signaling Studies“ (bioss). Processor at the Institute: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Joachim Boldt, Dr. Oliver Müller You can find project details here. |
On the relevance of the nature of man |
Bioethics Junior Research Group Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio You can find project details here. |
„Desired children“ - on the mechanization of human reproduction |
A theater and science project Management: Barbara Mundel, Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Oliver Müller, Uta Bittner, Dr. Joachim Boldt You can find project detailshere. |
Fertility and reproductive medicine:
Interdisciplinary retreat week for young researchers Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Tobias Eichinger, Claudia Bozzaro You can find project details here. |
Optimization of the human brain |
A theater and science project with Freiburg schoolchildren Management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Oliver Müller, Dr. Joachim Boldt You can find project details here. |
On the ethical limits of preference-based medicine. |
An interdisciplinary analysis using the example of anti-aging medicine. Processor at the Institute: Tobias Eichinger You can find project details here. |
Ethical aspects of synthetic biology |
Scientific expertise Processor at the Institute: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio, Dr. Joachim Boldt, Dr. Oliver Müller You can find project details here. |
The status of the extracorporeal embryo |
An interdisciplinary joint project Overall management: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Maio You can find project details here. |